The Pursuit of Worship

Peter Rufus
What Christians Pursue
The Pursuit of Worship
Psalm 29
17 December 2017

If we are to worship God, we must worship him how he has revealed himself. In Psalm 19, David describes God as an awesome and powerful God; but one who also comes to peace to his servants.

Who is the object of our worship? It is Yahweh - the name "I AM" that was given to Moses at the burning bush. God has always existed, and simply is. Psalm 29 describes his voice as mighty: he created the universe with words, and also breathed life into man so that he could praise God.

The obligation of worship. The deepest longings of our being should be for God, and our hearts should offer him praise. We are to "ascribe," or testify to his greatness, because it is due him. The entire world is filled with his glory. Does God captivate our whole being?

The outcome of worship. When we worship God gladly, God gives us strength. People will fail, but those who say "my help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth" (Ps. 121:2) will find eternal strength. Knowing God is on our side will give us peace in all circumstances.

Are we true worshippers of God?