We understand that all churches are different. Which means all churches do things slightly differently. So we’ve put together the following list to give you an overview of what our service looks like on Sunday morning, along with a few details about who we are, where we’ve come from, and what we believe. Just so you can see what we’re all about before visiting us in person! Of course, we don’t expect this to answer all your questions, so we welcome you to contact us for further clarifications. Nevertheless, we look forward to welcoming you so that we can get to know you and your family. See you soon!



We have a single service on Sundays that commences at 10.30am; this is regardless of season. Duration of service ranges from 90-100 minutes and is generally in two sections. We begin with a time of praise and thanksgiving through music. We take part in the Lord’s Supper fortnightly. This is followed by a time of preaching by our Senior Pastor or one of our elders.


We are a local church that loves Christ and loves others. We welcome everyone from all cultures and ethnicities. We are united together in Christ and are drawn from various areas around Adelaide.


We are a congregation that seeks to worship God in spirit and in truth. Therefore we ensure that the songs we sing are grounded in scripture, focused on the Gospel, and which glorify Christ as Saviour and Lord. We believe worship is not about a performance that impresses people but a time of honouring God by using our emotions based on His Truth. View our livestream for details.


We practice the ordinance of Communion in obedience to Christ who commanded that we remember His sacrificial death as the ultimate substitutionary atonement for sin. This is done fortnightly through a brief devotion followed by prayer and sharing of bread and juice which are symbols of His broken body and shed blood. We request that only those who have made a personal commitment of faith in Jesus Christ should partake of the elements.


We collect an offering every Sunday just after the time of singing. This enables individuals to support the ministry of God’s Word at New Community Church. Visitors are more than welcome to give an offering, but this is by no means obligatory. Some individuals prefer to give online, details of which can be obtained from our bulletin which is accessible by clicking the button below.


Our congregation is generationally diverse with a wide mix of age groups, including families with young children to mature and senior couples. Our intention is not to focus on trends or demographics; instead we choose to faithfully preach the Word of God to the saints who love Him regardless of their age, cultural background, or preferences.


We encourage children (up to school year 6) to participate in our Sunday School classes. We have two groups that meet during the sermon for a time of singing followed by a lesson from the Bible with an activity to keep the kids engaged. Further details are available on our Sunday School ministry page, accessible by clicking the button below.


We are an independent, non-denominational church whose only affiliation is with the Australian Fellowship of Bible-believing Churches (AFBC). More details about the AFBC are available at their website, accessible by clicking the button below.


We do not attach any labels to ourselves, except to say that our philosophy of ministry is informed and influenced by a high view of scripture in the reformed tradition. Please click on the button below to view our detailed Statement of Belief.