The Pursuit of Watchfulness Part 2

Peter Rufus
What Christians Pursue
The Pursuit of Watchfulness Part 2
1 Thessalonians 5:1 - 11
22 October 2017

As Christians, we are called to live consistent with our calling, being watchful over our behaviour.

To conform to God is to become like him, and escape his wrath. Those who have conformed to him are described as of the day, and of the light. How then can we walk in darkness?

Because of this, our conduct needs to be consistent with our identity as "sons of light." We are called to stay watchful, and to let our behaviour be a manifestation of who we are.

We are to be combat-ready, keeping our heart right with God. We fight the good fight by trusting in Jesus, and loving his people. Last, we are be combat-ready by holding the hope of our salvation, which is the anchor of the soul (Col. 1:3 - 5).

We can have confidence that "God has not destined us for wrath, but for salvation." We know this because God caused his son to die on our behalf. He is seeing about our salvation!

Live in expectation of salvation, and prepare your life accordingly.