The Pursuit of Watchfulness, Part 1

Peter Rufus
What Christians Pursue
The Pursuit of Watchfulness, Part 1
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
6 August 2017

Paul writes to the Thessalonians, reminding them of the certainty of Jesus' coming, and how to live expecting it.

The church at Thessalonica knew well the teaching of the Lord's return. Paul reminds them of two groups affected by this event: believers, and unbelievers. For believers, we are to "be alert and sober," for we belong to God, and so should live in that hope. This means conforming to Christ and his Word, because it is the faithful who need to be watchful.

For unbelievers, Christ's return means judgement, which should cause them to seek forgiveness. God's delay in returning is not because he is slow, but rather giving men time to repent (2 Pet. 3:9). It is certain, and unbelievers will experience judgement without escape (v. 3, Ez. 30:2 - 4, Acts 2:20). God has destroyed the world before by water, and this time he will by fire (2 Pet. 3:7).

Where do you stand with God? There is no middle ground: you are either on his side, or against him. Let unbelievers turn to him, and let believers keep watch.