10 The Parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32)

Alex Townsend
The Parables of Jesus
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
Luke 15:11-32
29 August 2021

The Pharisees saw themselves as being deserving of God's favour, but Christ came for those who know they are unworthy. The parable of the lost son teaches us that God loves to save sinners.

The son in Jesus' parable makes an audacious request for the father's estate before he is dead (v. 11 - 12). He wanted his father's wealth more than his own father. Graciously, the father grants it to him.

The son's worldly life begins to unfold (v. 13 - 16). In asking of the inheritance, he had both dishonoured and disavowed his family. But the sinful life never delivers on its promises, and his wealth was quickly spent, leaving him begging for food.

But mercy turns to hope (v. 17 - 19) as sin's consequences crush his pride. He reflects on his father's kindness, and this turns him to repentance.

Mercy comes running (v. 20 - 21). Instead of bringing judgement on the son, the father comes running to forgive, and welcomes him back. The pardon is extravagant as the father throws a feast for his son.

But the pride of the elder son leads him to scorn his father's forgiveness. Instead of finding joy in mercy, in his self-righteousness he was envious of his brother. But those who are proud never experience grace, for it comes to the humble.