Alex Townsend
The Parables of Jesus
The Parable of the Friend At Midnight
Luke 11:5-13
06 March 2022
Prayer is a daily discipline for the believer, and can be a struggle - but God loves to hear and answer the prayers of believers.
Jesus tells a parable about a man who asked his friend for bread at midnight. Although friendship was not enough to get the man out of bed, persistence was. How much more then will God answer our petitions, since He loves to hear us?
God loves it when we pray. He desires to commune with us, and does not cast us out. He loves to draw out persistence in our prayer as well, because it brings us nearer to Himself. In praying for others, God does a work in us.
God loves to give us what we ask - those who seek good things from God will find them. He may not always answer how we expect, but He always answers in the way best for us.
God delights in granting that which spiritually empowers us. If human fathers know how to give good gifts, how much more our perfect Father?