Alex Townsend
The Parables of Jesus Christ
The Parable of the Sower
Luke 8:1 - 15
25 October 2020
The condition of the heart is what Jesus looks at. The parable of the sower is about God's kingdom; that only those with humble and repentant hearts enter.
The seed sown is the Word of God. There is only one seed, but four responses. There is the sin-hardened heart, represented by hard, untilled soil. The seed does not enter into the soil, and does not germinate. These are those who reject the gospel outright.
The superficial heart is one that is initially positive in response, but does not have true repentance. Although it seems promising, it does not last.
The self-comforting heart is one that is choked by material things and earthly cares. The love of riches and pleasures win over the personal sacrifice required by the gospel.
The submissive heart is one that hears the Word in honesty and humility, and the seed grows deep. This soil is the only one that grows to maturity and lasts, bearing fruit. God Himself prepares this heart, and makes it flourish.