06 The Rich Landowner (Luke 12:13-21)

Alex Townsend
The Parables of Jesus Christ
The Rich Landowner
Luke 12:13-21
29 September 2019

Given enough time, people will show the true motivations of their heart. This parable shows us this very principle. And what we come to understand is that we must be careful to ensure that the things we own don’t end up owning us; that we don’t seek security in the things of this world.

This is a study of motivations; of the depths of the human heart that we don’t normally see. This comes through in two basic principles that Jesus teaches in this parable.


In the previous verses, Jesus condemned the Pharisees for being clean on the outside but not on the inside. So He has just spoken on the subject of hypocrisy. And yet this lesson seems to be lost on the person who asks Jesus the question in verse 13. Clearly his heart is set on temporal and material things, instead of on the things of eternity.


We need to be watchful against greed and covetousness because these are based on nothing but illusions. Instead, we must always be satisfied with the unfolding of God’s providence in our lives. This was the failing and sin of the fallen angels who desired something other than what God intended for them. This was also the sin of Adam and Eve who desired something that they thought would be better for them. Even if it meant transgressing the law of God.

In the parable before us, we can see that having an abundance of possessions is not what life is all about. And thus follows the story of the landowner who builds huge barns for himself. Here is a man whose security lies in what he has stored up for himself. His objective is to secure a future of material comfort for himself.

Clearly, the man is oblivious to God and eternity. So he has to be reminded that his days are not secured by financial prudence but by the will of God. If security is to be had, it must only be in God and not in things. It is only the fool finds security in earthly things.

The problem of the landowner was that he was rich in things but not rich towards God. May we be satisfied with the providence of God in our lives.