05 Lazarus & The Rich Man (Luke 16:19-31)

Alex Townsend
The Parables of Jesus Christ
Lazarus & The Rich Man
Luke 16:19-31
30 June 2019

The Pharisees valued earthly life above God, and twisted Scripture to suit their desires. But to toy with Scripture is to toy with your eternal fate.

The folly of living your best life now is that it leads to destruction. The rich man bought himself all that he wanted, giving no thought to others or to God. In contrast, Lazarus had no earthly hope at all - his trust was solely in God.

The focus of our eternal inheritance is how we are to live life now. In the afterlife, their comfort and affliction was reversed: Lazarus was comforted while the rich man was in torment. Lazarus found his best life beyond the grave.

The fruit of faith in the True Word is eternal life. As Habakkuk says, "the righteous shall live by faith."