63 The False Disciple (John 13:18-30)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
The False Disciple
John 13:18 - 30
25 September 2022

Just as fool's gold looks a lot like real gold, so false disciples can look a lot like real disciples. Despite having been with Jesus Himself for over three years, Judas never believed.

God is not surprised at false disciples and you shouldn't be either. Judas long loved power and money, and saw Jesus as a political Messiah. Jesus foretold Judas' defection, so that when it happened, His disciples could be encouraged and believe that He knew the future.

The unbelieving heart can be masked by external piety. The disciples were troubled when they heard that one of them would betray Jesus, and none of them suspected Judas. But Judas had been constantly rejecting the message of salvation for three years, and had hardened his heart beyond repentance.

Jesus' patient love is an example. Despite knowing Judas' heart, Jesus was extremely troubled at his defection. However, He continued to show Judas respect, even at the last supper.

False disciples will inevitably leave the faith, because they never really had it. But true disciples remain, showing their love for Christ by service to His saints.