45 Spiritual Blindness (John 9:13-34)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Spiritual Blindness
John 9:13 - 34
20 February 2022

We are no different from the blind man in a spiritual sense unless Christ opens our eyes. Spiritual reality can't be grasped by any human knowledge.

The spiritually blind respond to the truth with presumption. We see this in how the Pharisees responded to Jesus healing the blind man on the Sabbath. He broke human tradition to keep love of God and man, but the rulers would not accept this.

The spiritually blind respond to the truth with obstinance. Despite Jesus' works and grace, they would not consider that their religion might be false.

They respond with incredulity. They were determined to prove Jesus a sinner so that they could feel justified. They hoped to explain away the miracle.

They respond irrationally. The evidence of the blind man's healing was in front of them, and proved Jesus' deity, but they wouldn't believe.

They respond with anger. They would not listen to Jesus, or the blind man's witness about Jesus, and at last threw the man out of the synagogue.