Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
The Light Shines in Darkness
John 9:1 - 12
13 February 2022
Jesus demonstrated His divinity, and proved that He was the Messiah by the signs He did. His healing of the blind man was one such sign, and shone a light in a dark place.
Everyone is born into darkness. Like the man born blind, we are born spiritually blind, and remain in it unless God seeks us out. The man had no physical sight, but Jesus had compassion on him and healed him.
God's glory is displayed in His mercy. The man was not born blind because of any specific sin, but so that God's work would be made known. The purpose of the blind man's healing? To glorify Christ.
The light of Christ alone dispels the darkness. The man had been blind all his life, and nobody except Jesus could help him. Jesus is the light of the world, and has sent all believers out to witness about the light. The crowd did not understand how the man's healing was possible, because they did not understand that Christ was God.
Just like Jesus took the blind man out of his physical ailment, Christ takes us out of our spiritual darkness. All who come to Him in faith receive sight!