18 Living Water (John 4:1-14)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According to John
Living Water
John 4:1 - 14
11 April 2021

It was always God's intent to open up salvation to the Gentiles through the Jewish nation. In John 4, Jesus brings the good news to a Samaritan woman despite her low position in society.

Jesus made a providential journey to go to Samaria, although Judea and Samaria were at odds with each other. Many Jews avoided Samaria in their travels, but Jesus had a divine appointment to be there.

Jesus held a surprising conversation with the Samaritan woman. Although Jews had no dealings with Samaritans, He struck up a conversation by asking her for a drink of water. She was shocked that Jesus would ignore the rules of society.

Jesus offered her a beautiful gift. He directed the conversation about water to spiritual matters, and likened eternal life to a spring that never runs dry. But she was incredulous at first that He could give her something she didn't already have.

Jesus is the incomparable Saviour. People have to see their need before they can come to God. Jesus offered her something much more valuable than Jacob's well: a gift that lasts forever.