17 The Superiority of Jesus (John 3:31-36)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According to John
The Superiority of Jesus
John 3:31 - 36
28 March 2021

John the apostle ends chapter three with a focus on Jesus Christ. He wants to show that Jesus is superior not only to John the Baptist, but to every man who has ever lived.

Jesus has a superior origin. He comes from above, and preexists all things. He has existed forever, and is above all things.

Jesus has a superior message. His message was a heavenly message; He could declare eternal things because He was there. Everyone born on the earth has a limited message, but God knows all things.

Jesus has a superior nature. God is truth, and so we can believe what He says.

Jesus has a superior empowerment. He was indwelt by the Holy Spirit to full measure, and fulfilled every law on our behalf. The Father loves the Son, and gave the Son authority over all things.

Jesus has a superior authority. Everything is under His feet from individuals to governments, and He will judge all things. Everyone is commanded to believe in Him, and so be saved from the wrath they deserve.