Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Jesus Is The Eternal Word of God
John 1:1 - 2
1 November 2020
The Apostle John wants to impress upon us the reality of Jesus' pre-incarnate existence. So he begins his gospel account with the deity of Christ because he wants us to be gripped with the truth and reality of who Jesus is. The only way to salvation is to know Him as God and man.
Jesus is the eternal Word of God. He was before all time, and all created things. He is uncreated, and there was never a time when He did not exist. John wants his Greek readers to understand that the origins of the universe are not attributable to an impersonal force but to the very person of God in Christ.
Jesus is the person of the Word. He is the expression of God to man; Christ is the ultimate revelation of God and His will. John wants us to be clear that if we want to know God we must first know Christ.
The Word was in the presence of God. Between the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Christ, there was an eternal, and intimate fellowship. Christ is God, because He was always there.