11 Dealing With Depression (Psalm 42)

Benjy D'Sousa
Summer in the Psalms
Dealing with Depression
Psalm 42
4 February 2024

The Bible doesn't shy away from the dark experiences of life. While great men of faith like the psalmist have suffered depression, God remains the saints' comfort and joy.

There are multiple reasons for depression. We can feel deserted by God though He is always with us. Our enemies can deride our faith; or we can be devastated by trials. The psalmist fully acknowledges his emotions before God, but recognizes that God is absolute.

What is the remedy for depression? The Bible is clear that our lives should be marked by joy in suffering. We need to acknowledge depression and seek aid for body and soul: and the only light for the soul is the Word of God. When depression comes, we must preach truth to ourselves, and hope in God, His attributes, and His promises.