07 Taste And See That God Is Good (Psalm 34)

Chad Coley
Summer in the Psalms
Taste And See That God Is Good
Psalm 34
7 January 2024

Through the hardship and trials David experienced, God was teaching him the wisdom he needed to be king. In Psalm 34, we see David's resolve to praise and trust God in all circumstances because of His goodness.

We can resolve to praise God. Despite his trying circumstances, David determined to remember and to boast in God's goodness. In his resolve to praise God, he invites others to hear what the Lord has done. Those who look to God have his protection, peace, and joy.

We can resolve to trust God. God Himself protects us, and is ever present with us. He provides for our needs, instructs, hears our prayers, and uplifts the broken-hearted. He saves us; and none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned.