05 Joy To The World (Psalm 98)

Chad Coley
Summer in the Psalms
Joy To The World
Psalm 98
24 December 2023

Earthly joys come from earthly pleasures, and happiness comes and goes. But the joy of the Spirit is a lasting peace that comes from trusting in Christ.

We should rejoice in the Lord because of His salvation. Salvation is a mighty act of God that He accomplished alone. It was miraculous and monumental that Christ became a man like us, died, and rose again so that we could have permanent fellowship with God.

We should rejoice in the rule of Christ. God remembers His promise to the nation of Israel to have a king on the throne, and for a Messiah to come. Believers are called to rejoice because of Jesus Christ. He reigns now in our hearts, but one day will rule over the earth.

We should rejoice in the return of Christ. All of creation longs for the lifting of the curse, and it will be lifted when Christ comes to make all things new. He will set everything right with perfect justice, and we can take heart in that!