04 The Fellowship of the Godly (Psalm 15)

Chad Coley
Summer in the Psalms
The Fellowship of the Godly
Psalm 15
17 December 2023

True worship is not about a place, but a person - the Lord Jesus Christ. And for us to have close fellowship with Him, we need to walk in sanctification.

We see the critical question - who can live with God? Who can come rightly into His presence? Only those who are righteous - and we have access to God's righteousness through Jesus Christ. But for us to walk closely with Him day by day, we need to be confessing our sins and living rightly.

We see the careful answer. A godly person has a sanctified testimony, and lives with integrity - he is the same in public as in private. The godly person has a sanctified tongue which builds others up; has a sanctified mind which dwells on the things above; and has a sanctified treasure - his heart is set on heavenly reward.

We see the comforting promise that those who do these things will never be shaken. None of us live up to this standard of perfection, but in Christ we can have a right standing with God - and daily seeking His forgiveness, we can have near fellowship with Him.