09 The Wisdom And Blessing of True Repentance (Hosea 14)

Peter Rufus
Series in Hosea: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
The Wisdom and Blessing of True Repentance
Hosea 14
28 November 2021

God sent prophets to Israel with a message of trusting God rather than lifeless idols. Like Israel, we are only faithful when we trust the one who is in fact providing for us.

The motivation of true repentance is to move back to God. It is characterised by a conviction about our sin that comes from the Word of God. God's truth; a true theology is what burdens us to seek forgiveness, as our sin deserves punishment.

The measure of true blessing for Israel was physical. God has specific promises that if Israel repented, He would strengthen and restore. Believers today have the promise of eternal blessings, and communion with God meanwhile. Sin robs us of our value, but God can restore.

The mindset of true wisdom is to seek God. Hosea exhorts Israel to respond to God's call. After all, the blessings Israel had received came neither from the nations, nor idols - all we have comes from God. He is the true source of all blessings, and if we are to know true wisdom, we need to know the source of wisdom: God and his Word are ever true.