10 Discern or Die (Amos 7)

Peter Rufus
Series in Hosea: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Discern or Die
Amos 7
12 December 2021

God proclaimed judgement against Israel because they had turned from him to idols. Amos warned the nation to discern between true and false worship, or they would die.

We see a contrast in Amos between true and false worship. Jeroboam had built two golden calves to make worship for Israel more convenient. But this was not worship as God instructed: this was idolatry. We also see a contrast between two prophets: Amos knew God, and proclaimed His message of repentance or retribution; Amaziah was a false priest who gained fame and riches by making Israel's God less threatening.

Our God is an exclusive God who deserves and demands worship His way, not ours. When the Word of God convicts us, will we submit or resist? Riches and fame may come from doing what is easy, but God's favour comes from truly worshipping Him.