Peter Rufus
Series in Hosea: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
The Folly, Futility and False Hope of Idol Worship
Hosea 11:12-13:16
22 August 2021
To what extent should we involve God in the decisions of our lives? Where we seek hope and advice shows what our hearts trust.
Israel had set her hope on other nations, forgetting the covenant God made. She put her hope in pagan Assyria and Egypt, trusting in the very nations that would destroy her. God was the only one who could save her, and the only one who can save us. We either fear the Lord, or our circumstances; we cannot trust both.
The Lord is the sole provider of Israel, and for us. Because of His faithfulness to us, what can we do but to trust in Him? He is our redeemer and friend. The same decision is always before us: to trust in God, or in created things. We become like what we worship, but Yahweh has gone before us.