07 The Inexplicable Love of God (Hosea 10:1-11:11)

Peter Rufus
Series in Hosea: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
The Inexplicable Love of God
Hosea 10:1-11:11
15 August 2021

God is the same God forever: His love and attributes do not change. God's exposure of Israel's sin is relevant to us because we are susceptible to forgetting God too.

The richer Israel became, the more her pagan altars prospered. The more God blessed Israel, the more they rebelled against Him. The danger of prosperity is the same for us: that we think we can be independent of our Maker.

False worship will be judged. The people had put their hope in worthless idols which would be carried off to Assyria. False worship is useless, and brings the judgement of God upon those who worship them. Israel followed after sin in spite of God's blessing, and needed repentance.

Still, God showed affection for Israel as for a child, and refused to eradicate them as a nation. He is in their midst to protect and provide for them, because He will not forget His covenant.