06 Is God Enough? (Hosea 7:3-9:17)

Peter Rufus
Series in Hosea: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go
Is God Enough?
Hosea 7:3-9:17
25 April 2021

God looks at His people with a view that they are His marriage partner, and therefore idolatry is adulterous. God wants His people to give Him exclusive affection.

God had specially chosen Israel, but the leaders of Israel were not content to trust God. They filled the country with political turmoil and assassinations, trying to advance their own ends. Instead of trusting the God of Israel, they had even turned to foreign countries and false gods.

Israel had turned from God, and was no longer capable of making sensible decisions. The question for us today is the same as for them: 'is He enough for me?' It was not that Israel did not want God, but that they wanted Him alongside other gods: He was not enough for them.

To love God is to love His Word. We can spend so much effort to be free; but if we love the Lord, why would we want to be free from Him?