The Wisdom of God's Discipline (Part 2)

Peter Rufus
Series in Proverbs: Wise in His Eyes
The Wisdom of God’s Discipline (Part 2)
Hebrews 12:3-14 / Proverbs 3:11-12
07 April 2024

Because of Christ's atonement, God is not angry with our sins. Why, then, do trials come? As a result of God's discipline - His loving training. God keeps us from pride through trials which we don't cause. They are painful, but produce endurance, proving our faith. Trials also expose the sin in our lives so that we can be purged of it.

What does discipline actually look like? It looks like God not giving us what we want, and giving us instead what we don't want. God does not withhold good from us; our circumstances are designed to make us more like Christ.

How do we respond? We should listen with the intent to obey, being aware of what God is doing in our lives. Wisdom is listening to advice even when it hurts and exposes our sin. When we make God, His Word, and His people a priority in times of trial, we grow. We don't have to fear trials; they are for our good.