Discerning Your Inner Self

Peter Rufus
Series in Proverbs: Wise in His eyes
Discerning Your Inner Self
Selected Scriptures
14 July 2024

We need to discern our own heart, because it reveals our true intentions. We can only do this by watching over our heart as the highest priority. This means practicing what we know, being content and revering God, and doubting our own motives.

We need to discern our own mind to keep from deceiving ourselves. We can do this by questioning our motives, and being diligent in seeking knowledge - but our search for wisdom must be sincere.

We need to discern our own will to avoid judgment. There is a window of opportunity to learn wisdom, and if we continue to ignore her, she will also ignore us in trouble. We can only do this by seeking the Lord, who is the fountain and start of all true wisdom.