20 Don't Sue One Another (1 Corinthians 6:1-8)

Chad Coley
Series in First Corinthians
Don't Sue One Another
1 Corinthians 6:1 - 8
1 September 2024

Relationships can be strained, sometimes even in the church. But the Corinthians had taken offense to the point of suing each other, rather than forgiving.

The church must keep the right perspective (v. 1 - 3). The Corinthians were suing one another in the public courts, bringing disrepute to God's name. They knew the saints would judge the world, yet they were attacking one another in the corrupt public courts.

The church must adjudicate its own matters (v. 4 - 6). Going to court with a believer is appointing unrighteous judges over the righteous. It is a shame to the church, and shows such little love.

The church must act in love (v. 7 - 8). We should be willing to take loss for the sake of Christ, rather than hold onto our offences. There are appropriate uses for the courts, but our foremost desire must be the love of Christ and the brothers.