04 A Call For Unity (1 Corinthians 1:10-17)

Chad Coley
Series in First Corinthians
A Call For Unity
1 Corinthians 1:10 - 17
17 March 2024

The source of quarrels and conflicts are selfish desires in us. But we are to preserve the unity we already have in Christ by considering others more important than ourselves.

The church must have unified doctrine. Paul wrote instructing the Corinthian church to agree in teaching with one another. Because they were in fellowship with Jesus, they should also agree on fundamental Christian doctrines.

The church must have unified allegiance. There is a battle in every believer between the body's desires and the Holy Spirit guiding us. Divisions in the church come when we do not submit ourselves to the leading of the Spirit.

The church must have unified priorities. The church is ultimately under the leadership of Jesus Christ, not a personality. The gospel is the only thing that can change hearts; no eloquence or charisma can replace it.