Chad Coley
Series in First Corinthians
The Church At Corinth: The Grace of God
1 Corinthians 1:4 - 9
10 March 2024
The Corinthians were an immature and proud church. Pride in their knowledge had given way to apathy, so Paul wrote to remind them that everything they had came from God's grace.
We see past examples of God's grace (v. 4 - 6). The Corinthians had received God's unmerited grace in Jesus Christ when they believed. Paul reminded them of the riches they had in knowing the truth, though this knowledge was not a measure of their maturity.
We see the present evidence of God's grace (v. 7). The Corinthians were not lacking anything to be a faithful church in the middle of a pagan world, nor do we. We all have a spiritual gift given to us, but we must exercise it in order for its expression to grow.
We see the future promise of God's grace (v. 8 - 9). Jesus is the author and perfecter of our faith, and will one day call us home to be perfect like Him. The Holy Spirit is meanwhile working in our lives to complete what God has started - and He will complete it, because God is faithful.