A. Love One Another With Brotherly Affection—Romans 12:10a
1. The command is to treat every family member as you would treat a family member—Tender care, affection, & concern
2. It is your Forever Family, do you love them as you should?

B. Outdo One Another In Showing Honour—Romans 12:10b
1. Command to Honour—to give special weight or value to something
2. To “outdo” is to give others praise and consideration above what we would receive from them
3. Do you make an effort to listen to others and hear what they say? Do you talk well about them among others? 

C. Live In Harmony With One Another—Romans 12:16
1. Having the same mind—we each hold each other in high regard regardless of differences in status or in personality.
2. The barrier to this command is personal pride—we think more highly of ourselves than we ought
3. Are you agreeable with others as a rule or are you disagreeable and like to argue? Divisiveness is evidence of pride. 

D. Do Not Judge One Another—Romans 14:13 & 14:19
1. This commands entails that one must be careful in thinking someone else is unspiritual, especially on an issue that is not clearly defined in Scripture
2. There must be an active deliberate approach to building others up, not doing this is indirectly tearing them down
3. Are you guilty of judging others based on externals and preferences—Matt 7:1-5 

E. Welcome One Another—Romans 15:7
1. Believers are to welcome one another in a genuine, heartfelt manner, “just as Christ also accepted us”
2. This command tells believers to accept people that are different and care for them by getting to know them
3. Do you only talk to people that are like you?