A. Speak Truthfully to One Another—Eph 4:25 
1. Falsehoods, lies, and deceit destroy fellowship—if you have lied, repent and confess your sin to God and the person 
2. Speak the Truth in love—Eph 4:13–truth spoken with wisdom in an appropriate manner 

B. Be Kind to One Another—Eph 4:32 
1. Kindness—means “morally good,” “pleasant,” “useful,” “benevolent.” The word is used in Rom 2:4 to describe God’s attitude toward us 
2. Kindness is an attitude demonstrated in our actions 

C. Forgive One Another—Col 3:13 
1. Forgiveness is not about feelings, it is about obedience. To not forgive someone is a sin, forgiveness is a command from the Lord—Luke 17:1-10 
2. Overlooking sin, excusing sin, or accepting apologies is not the same as granting forgiveness. 
3. We must have a heart of love that is willing to forgive even if the other person doesn’t want or ask for forgiveness. We do our part—Luke 6:27-28 
4. Granting forgiveness means: we will not hold the matter against them, or bring the matter up again either to the person or to another person, or even to ourselves 
5. Sin still has consequences; reconciliation and restored trust take me. 

D. Bear With One Another—Col 3:13 
1. We have loving patience with one another’s imperfections, idiosyncrasies, and personal values 
2. Impatience, annoyance, and anger can result when we do not bear with one another in love 
3. Being argumentative, disagreeable, and unloving are not personality traits, but rather are sin. 

E. Admonish One Another—Col 3:16 
1. Admonish—“warn,” “counsel,” and “instruct.” Used with teaching with the intent of correction for another person using the Scriptures with an attitude of humility