A. Increase & Abound in Love for One Another (1 Thess 3:12) 
1. The Command to love one another sums up all the other commands. God’s command to love is primarily an act of obedience 
2. Increase & Abound—sense of over owing love for believers that overflows to those in the world (neighbour) 
3. Love is unconditional—Matt 5:43-48–love for one’s neighbour and one’s enemy should be a distinctive feature of the Chris an life

B. Comfort One Another (1 Thess 4:18) 
1. Comfort—the Thessalonian Church was encouraged with the truth that brought eternal perspective to their circumstances 
2. True comfort comes from the word of God compassionately applied to the suffering person’s difficult situation
3. Romans 15:4—Scriptures give us hope

C. Encourage One Another (1 Thess 5:11) 
1. Encourage—build each other up to have strength during troubling times
2. Continual act to come alongside each other and remind each other of the truth of who God is and His will for our lives
3. Encouragement

D. Be At Peace With One Another (1 Thess 5:13) 
1. In this context, the Thessalonian church did not appreciate their leaders and how hard they were working on their behalf (1 Thess 5:12). They were complaining and criticising them.
2. Paul’s command was that all believers live at peace with each other so that there would be unity in the body
3. Leaders are not to Lord over others and the congregation was not to disregard those over them in the Lord
4. To keep the peace Paul says that all believers are to: “admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all” (1 Thess 5:14).