Today we are going to talk about Baptism a little bit. Baptism is one of the two ordinances of the local church. First of all it was commanded by Jesus to His church. Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of al the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them all that I commanded you....” Peter echoed this command to individual Jews at Pentecost in Acts 2:38, “Repent, and each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins...” Believers are to submit to be baptized in obedience to Christ, as a public pronouncement of their allegiance and fidelity to Jesus Christ. Just too be clear baptism is not a means of grace or a part of the salvific work of God, but rather an act of obedience by believers.
The physical act of baptism is when a person is dunked, or immersed completely with water. It is a analogy, a great picture provided for us by God to pass along spiritual truth to others. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist “to fulfill all righteousness” He linked His baptism to His death on the cross and His subsequent resurrection (Matt 3:15; Luke12:50; Mark 10:38).
In Romans 6:3-5 Paul tells us the spiritual reality pictured by the act of baptism. Believers have been “baptized into Christ” (Rom 6:3). This is not water here, but believers have been “buried with Christ” (Rom 6:4). Believers have died with Him, and were buried with Him, and rose with Him to new life. Brethren, at the moment of salvation, God puts you in Christ, and you’re instantly in His death and resurrection, and have new life. When you are baptized, you are picturing your union with Christ to all who are present.