As you are preparing for Christmas Day celebrations this week, here are a few things to remember. 

1. Remember we worship in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). There are nothing wrong with family traditions as long as they do not take away from celebrating Christ Jesus. Do you include the reading of the Birth of Jesus and good Biblical carols in your celebrations?

2. Remember that you have a unique opportunity to talk about Christ. Tell others not only about His miraculous birth, but also His perfect life, substitutionary sacrifice on a cross, His resurrection, and ascension into heaven—this is the Gospel. 

3. Remember that the little baby came as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” (Jn 1:29) to become the perfect sacrifice for sins. In the predetermined plan of God, Jesus came to die for you (Acts 2:23). The manger was always pointing to the cross.

4. Remember that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus’ 1st advent. There will be a 2nd advent and that celebration will last into eternity (Rev 21:1-4).

5. Remember to enjoy this time with your family and forever family (the church) celebrating the coming of our Saviour! (Luke 2:14; Ecc 9:7-8) 

God Bless and Merry Christmas