In this Psalm, David makes a great statement. “In peace I will lie down and sleep...”(4:8). Do you lie down in peace at night? How do you sleep at night? Are you restless, and full of worry about your circumstances? David has some words for you here in Psalm 4. God hears the cry of the righteous and answers them when they call (4:3). God hears your prayers, and you can know that he cares about the circumstances that you are in. David was being slandered here and yet he calls his adversaries to repent of their sins and believe in God. Think about that for a moment. In the midst of his adversaries attacks David call on them to understand that God is his protector, and they should be afraid of that fact.
Even though people may slander you and your faith, God will not abandon you. When you focus on God’s greatness and love for you, it brings great joy and gladness to your hear (4:7). Knowing that God hears you and that you can depend upon Him brings a joy that is incomparable to anything that this life has to offer (4:7). David says that the secret to a good nights sleep is knowing the Lord as your God and Saviour. When you remember that God hears your prayers and that you are protected by Him, you can sleep in peace. Rest well in Him believers...