When we look around this world we see evil all around us. It takes many forms, but in its basic sense it is a disregard for God. Man will suppresses the truth in unrighteousness, and live his life based on his own desires and reasoning. Because in their hearts they want nothing to do with God, men and women will oppose The Truth and hate those that proclaim Him. The psalmist here in Psalm 5 is facing adversaries that are lying and slandering him. Just like the psalmist we can pray with confidence that God hears our prayers and will help us. God is righteous and “no evil dwells within” him (Ps 5:4). Wickedness is incompatible with His holy nature. Because of His nature, He opposes the wicked and protects the righteous. The righteous are blessed in that the designs of the wicked cannot succeed in causing lasting harm (Ps 5:11). They may injure and cause trouble, but they cannot do so apart from God’s plan for the lives of His people. Brethren, take comfort in the fact that God will judge the wicked of this world. One day all of the unrighteous will stand before the Great White Judgement seat in Rev 19 and face their Judge. God also knows how to deliver His people from harm. 2 Peter 2:9, “the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment. We can declare that we are beneficiaries of God’s love and protection (Ps 5:7) and can pray for deliverance from the wicked because God hates wickedness (Ps 5:12).