For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24.
It is only natural as human beings, to want success in whatever we put our hands to in life. And as believers its not merely a natural call but an inner, higher call of the Holy Spirit that motivates success all the more. Not success as the world measures success by bigger bank accounts, more wealth and career status. The believer’s success in life is measured by the Lord as to our level of faithfulness to Him and His Word.
And a crucial area of our lives where success according to God’s standard is evaluated, is our faithfulness to Him in our marriages.
Faithfulness in marriage is not only to do with moral purity and fidelity toward our spouses. It has a whole lot to do with how we nurture the ‘one flesh’ union that our marriages are intended by God for us to show off! Yes- we are to demonstrate, show off in our marriages, to our children, our families, our brothers and sisters in Christ, to our friends and the world, “love joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Gal. 5:22-23) Do a check here. Are our marriages ‘showing off’ the above fruit? Are we as husbands and wives obeying the indwelling Holy Spirit, through the Word of God, in striving to be successful in our roles for our marriages? Remember, it’s not about you it’s all about the Lord whom we serve –right? I like what Wayne Mack says in his book Strengthening Your Marriage; “When two people know, accept, and fulfill their varying but complementary responsibilities, oneness in marriage is promoted.”