The Pursuit of the Glory of God

Peter Rufus
What Christians Pursue
The Pursuit of the Glory of God
Psalm 115
17 November 2019

The pursuit of God’s honour and splendour is foremost to the Christian walk (v. 1 - 2). The writer of Psalm 115 has a concern for the Lord's reputation. He is concerned the nations mock God because they are blinded by their idols. But the psalmist is jealous for God’s reputation among them.

Let us confess the Lord’s sovereignty (v. 3 - 8). To serve the true and living God is to serve the sovereign God - all else is idolatry. He is uncaused and uncreated; He is uninfluenced, and unaccountable to man. Therefore, if we are to glorify God, we must glorify His sovereignty.

God is glorified when we have confidence in His strength (v. 9 - 11). He is also glorified when we are certain of His blessings (v. 12 - 15). Do we confess that we are blessed?

Let us have a commitment to the Lord's praise and worship (v. 16 - 18). As long as we have breath, let us praise God. The unsaved cannot praise, but those who love God will sing forever.