13 Common Dangers Facing the Church, Part 3 (Colossians 2:18 - 19)

Chad Coley
Series in Colossians
Common Dangers Facing the Church, Part 2/ Mysticism
Colossians 2:18-19
22 September 2019

Jesus is sufficient because he is God and man. We pursue Christ rather than feelings or emotion, because he is the truth of God made known.

The false teachers in Colossae were setting themselves up as the arbiters of truth, and were drawing away believers with them. But no-one should look down on our spiritual lives because we do not follow their traditions or rules; Christ is the standard.

God is high above, but Christ has condescended, and he is the sole mediator. Angels cannot bring us to God, and neither can Mary. Rather, if we are to hear Christ, we must listen to his Word. Although Peter saw the transfigured Christ, he considered the Word more reliable. So we should also consider it above any subjective experience.