12 Common Dangers Facing the Church, Part 1 (Colossians 2:16 - 17)

Chad Coley
Series in Colossians
Common Dangers Facing The Church/ Legalism
Colossians 2:16-23
15 September 2019

The church often struggles with what Paul wrote to the Colossians about. In their day, the false teachers were adding to God's Word to distract from the truth.

The danger of legalism is that it makes one the arbiter of what is right. When we judge others with regard to personal preference, we set ourselves in the place of God. But such outward actions are not indicative of the inward heart. Our personal convictions can aid us in our walk, but we should never hold them over others.

The Jewish system was to point to Christ. The feasts, laws, and Sabbath were symbols, and shadows of the Messiah. Now that he has come, the ritual laws should not be held over anyone.