07 The Ministry of the Word (Colossians 1:24 - 29)

Chad Coley
Christ Above All / Series in Colossians
The Ministry of the Word
Colossians 1:24-29
14 July 2019

The central focus of all churches should be the Word of God, as it was for the apostle Paul.

Paul was willing to take his share of the suffering for the gospel he proclaimed (v. 24), and for the sake of the church. Instead of complaining, he rejoices in his suffering, because he had learned to be content in God.

Stewardship of the Word of God requires faithfulness (v. 25 - 27). We have all been entrusted with God's Word. The preaching of the Word of God is central to the church, because through it, we can know and serve God.

The scope of the gospel ministry (v. 28). God expects us to respond to the message rightly. Therefore we need correction and encouragement in the right way, because we never outgrow the need for instruction. The goal of all instruction is the maturity of Christian believers.

We are to live in the strength that God provides (v. 29). It is always sufficient for what he has called us to do.