61 A Theology of Unbelief (John 12:34-50)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
A Theology of Unbelief
John 12:34 - 50
07 August 2022

In John 12, Jesus explains to His disciples why Israel didn't receive their Messiah. It was never a matter of evidence, but of unbelief.

There must be a response to the light that is given by God. Israel didn't want a Saviour from sin, but political liberation from the Romans. Jesus' last invitation to the crowds was to believe while they had the opportunity.

There are consequences for persistent unbelief. God removes the light from those who continually reject it, and gives them over to the darkness they love. God's great patience withholds judgment, but His patience will not last forever.

Knowing God apart from Jesus Christ is impossible. There is superficial belief, and there is saving faith. We only know God through Jesus Christ, and only through submission to Him.

Judgment comes upon those who disobey. Hearing and not doing Jesus' words is disobedience to God. Those who have heard the gospel and reject it will stand before God judged because they did not believe.