42 The Marks of True Discipleship, Part 4 (John 8:37-47)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Marks of True Discipleship, Part 4
John 8:37 - 47
16 January 2022

The longer we walk with Christ, the more like Him we will become. True disciples are marked by a genuine and lasting faith.

True disciples demonstrate their paternity. The Jews claimed they were spiritual descendants of Abraham, but they rejected the God of Abraham. When people are confronted with Christ, they demonstrate their true paternity, and whether they are sons of God, or sons of the devil.

True disciples accept the truth about our nature. We are all born into sin, and cannot understand spiritual truth unless God reveals it to us. The truth about sin and judgment always divides: we either submit and accept it, or reject it and harden our hearts.

How we respond to Jesus and His claims shows who our father is, and whether we accept the truth about Him.