32 Living in God's Timing (John 7:1-13)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Living in God's Timing
John 7:1 - 13
5 September 2021

Are we living by God's wisdom? Most of Jesus' disciples left Him because of His hard teachings and demands on their lives. Jesus' brothers suggested that He leave to Judea so He could become popular again. In his brothers' eyes, a crowd meant ministry success.

Are we living in God's will? Jesus operated in His Father's timing, not the world's. What the world chases after has no eternal value, and doesn't count in God's great plan of redemption. The crowds were focused on their own desires, and turned away from Jesus because He testified about their evil works.

Are we living in unbelief? The crowds couldn't agree who Jesus was, and some said He was a deceiver. Everyone must decide who Jesus is; He claimed to be God, and so we cannot simply say He was merely a good teacher. True faith says He is the Son of God.