33 Jesus is True (John 7:14-24)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Jesus is True
John 7:14 - 24
12 September 2021

Man does not naturally understand the truth about God. Only through faith are our eyes opened to see who He is.

You can trust the source of truth in Jesus Christ. The authority of the rabbis' teaching was based on other rabbis' teachings, but Jesus taught straight from Scripture. The leaders could not argue against what He taught, so they criticized his lack of education. But his source of truth was God the Father.

The substance of truth is self-evident to those whose minds have been renewed. We come to Christ because we see the weight of our sin before God, and look for forgiveness. But God's love, justice, and character can never be seen by proud hearts.

The standard of truth is the Law of God, which no-one lives up to. The Law was given to show us our sin, and lead us to seek forgiveness with God through Jesus Christ.