30 The Rejection of Christ, Part 1 (John 6:41-58)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
The Rejection of Christ, Part 1
John 6:41 - 58
1 August 2021

The crowds followed Jesus merely to see His signs, and to be fed. But following Jesus means to look at Him as Saviour, and follow Him regardless of the cost.

Rejection of Christ is based off unbelief. Even after His signs, the crowds were still complaining, and questioning His divine origins. They followed Him just for the physical needs He met. But Jesus has come to give spiritual life, not merely to satisfy temporary desires. All those who follow Him must deny their own selves and walk the way of the cross.

The Father draws all those who come to Jesus through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Although the crowds failed to see Him as Saviour, Jesus was encouraged that all the Father gave Him would come to Him.

Man's responsibility is to believe, and follow Christ. And His blessing to all those who follow Him is everlasting life.