28 Only God Can Satisfy (John 6:22-35)

Chad Coley
Series in John
Only God Can Satisfy
John 6:22 - 35
11 July 2021

A focus on the things of this world is foolishness. The crowds followed Jesus for this very reason: to eat the bread He fed them. But everything here is fleeting - only God satisfies. Jesus worked signs to show His divinity, but still their interest in Him was to fill their stomach, not for eternal life.

A focus on Christ is life. The Jews thought they were innately good and could please God as they were. They thought that because of their ancestry, they had spiritual life. But to please God, and to have spiritual life is first to believe in Jesus.

Only a focus on God truly satisfies. The greatest blessing is being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ, regardless of whether we prosper on earth. All happiness is fleeting, but He is the spiritual bread that gives life to the world.