Chad Coley
The Gospel According to John
The Feeding of the Multitudes
John 6:1-15
20 June 2021
Thousands saw Jesus' miracle of feeding the multitude. It was impossible humanly speaking, but possible with God. The enamoured crowd followed Jesus to see His signs and miracles. His popularity was at its apex in John 6, but they failed to see who He was.
There was an impossible situation. After having healed sick crowds all day, Jesus went to the other side of the lake, but the crowds followed Him there too. He had compassion on the crowds, and asked Philip how they could be fed, in order to test his faith. Philip had forgot that Jesus was the one with the power to create all things.
We see the incredible Jesus. He instructed the crowds to sit down, and then thanked God for the food. The baskets of bread and fish did not run out until the people were completely filled, and then there were twelve left over: one for each of the disciples. Jesus cared for the crowds and His disciples, but still the crowds looked to Him merely as a political leader. He will rule as their king one day, but first they must come to Him in faith.