12 Spiritual Rebirth (John 3:4-8)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
Spiritual Rebirth
John 3:4 - 8
31 January 2020

Being born again is a tremendous miracle of God in which the heart is transformed for Heaven.

Nicodemus did not understand Jesus' words about being born again; he was still fixated on what he could perform. We are all born spiritually blind, and it takes a work of God to bring our souls to life. Jesus leaves no room for human effort to merit salvation; we must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.

Jesus tells Nicodemus that it is an absolute necessity of salvation to be born again. Like the wind, we cannot see or control the Spirit which regenerates believers, but we can see its effects. In the same way, nobody can understand Jesus Christ, except by spiritual rebirth.