04 The True Light (John 1:6-13)

Chad Coley
The Gospel According To John
The True Light
John 1:6-13
15 November 2020

The world is living in darkness because of sin's blindness. Only through Christ can our eyes be opened to see the glory of God.

John the Baptist was the last Old Testament prophet. We see him in the Gospel of John preparing the hearts of Israel to receive the light of the world. The light that was coming into the world was none other than Jesus Christ, God in flesh. John called all Israel to repentance, to be ready for her Messiah.

Christ is the divine light, and the true light. While there are many world religions, they are false lights. While there is testimony of God in nature, it cannot bring us full knowledge of God. Neither can this natural knowledge save us; only Jesus Christ is the full revelation of God. Only He is able to save.

Despite Jesus coming into the world, the world rejected Him because people loved their sin. The very Creator came into His creation, but most plunged further into darkness away from Him. But for all who received Him, God gave them the right to become sons of God.